Today marks the beginning of Amazon’s first sale, with a promotional campaign offering customers points for purchases over 10,000 yen. The slogan “buy because you want it, not because it’s cheap” is being used to encourage customers to purchase items they don’t necessarily need. Unfortunately, this could lead to financial burden and stress for those who are already struggling financially. The idea of buying something simply because it is cheap can be very tempting in today's society. With prices constantly rising and wages staying stagnant, many people find themselves unable to afford the basic necessities of life. This temptation to buy things that are discounted can quickly become an addiction that leads to more debt and less savings. Furthermore, the promotion offered by Amazon only encourages this behavior as it rewards customers for spending more money than they normally would have. While this may be beneficial for some people who are able to afford larger purchases without any financial strain, it could also lead others into further debt or cause them to make impulse buys that they later regret. While buying something simply because it is cheap may seem like a good idea at first glance, in reality it can often lead to unnecessary financial burden and stress down the line. It is important for consumers to think twice before making any purchase and consider if they really need what they are buying or if there are cheaper alternatives available elsewhere. In order for people to truly benefit from sales such as these, they must remember that “buying because you want it” should always come before “buying because it's cheap".
さらに、Amazon が提供するプロモーションは、顧客が通常よりも多くのお金を使うことに対して報酬を与えるため、この行動を助長するだけです。これは、経済的負担なしに大きな買い物をすることができる人にとっては有益かもしれませんが、他の人はさらに借金をしたり、後で後悔する衝動買いをしたりする可能性があります. 安いからという理由だけで何かを買うのは、一見良い考えのように思えるかもしれませんが、実際には不必要な経済的負担やストレスにつながることがよくあります. 消費者は、購入する前によく考え、購入する商品が本当に必要かどうか、または他の場所でより安価な代替品が利用できるかどうかを検討することが重要です. このような販売から人々が真に恩恵を受けるためにはね。