
What is anticipatory saving? How to do it and how to set a specific target amount!

Advance saving is the practice of taking a set amount of money from your monthly salary and saving it ahead of time.
You save as soon as you receive your salary and live off the remaining money, allowing you to save a sum of money.
This article provides four recommended ways to save ahead of time and two tips for saving ahead of time.
Pre-emptive saving is easy to tackle and successful even for those who are not good at managing money.


What is anticipatory saving? Its advantage is that it prevents wasteful spending
Advantage of anticipatory saving is that it allows you to save a predetermined amount of money and ensure that you save a certain amount each month.
By transferring or accumulating a set amount of your salary into a separate account each month and making it harder to withdraw money from your account, you can avoid wasting money and save more consistently.

Guidelines on the amount of money to save in advance

The standard amount to set aside for anticipatory savings is 10-20% of your take-home pay.
The amount of money saved depends on whether you are married or single, living alone or at home, etc. It is important to set an amount that you can continue to save without strain in order to save steadily.

Four recommended ways to save in advance

There are various ways to save in advance.
Here are four recommended ways to save in advance.

Method 1: Automatic savings time deposit

Automatic savings time deposits are deposits that automatically accumulate a fixed monthly amount from a savings account into a savings time deposit account.
You can freely specify the amount to be accumulated and the date of the account transfer, and you can also increase the amount to be accumulated in bonus months, so you can flexibly set your savings according to your objectives and target savings amount.
It is recommended to open an automatic savings fixed deposit account at the same financial institution as your salary transfer account, as you are more likely to be able to accumulate without incurring transfer fees.

Method 2: Zaikei savings

Zaikei savings is a company welfare scheme in which a fixed amount is deducted from the monthly salary and set aside at a financial institution.
There are three types of zaikei savings: general zaikei savings, housing zaikei savings and pension zaikei savings.
People who plan to build their own home or want to save for their retirement are recommended to use housing and pension zaikei savings, where interest on deposits of up to JPY 5.5 million is exempt from taxation.
General property savings do not benefit from tax exemption, but you can freely choose how you want to use them.
If you are interested, please check your employer's welfare scheme.

Method 3: Mottate NISA (savings NISA)

A savings NISA allows you to invest a small amount each month in mutual funds and other financial instruments, and the profits from these investments are tax-exempt.
Although the annual limit of 400,000 yen in a savings NISA is lower than the 1.2 million yen in a NISA, the tax-free benefit period is 20 years, which is longer than the five years in a NISA, allowing you to hold financial products for a longer period of time.
In addition, the Tame-Mitate NISA only offers financial products with low fees, so even beginners can start investing with peace of mind.

Method 4: iDeCo
iDeCo is also known as an individual defined contribution pension plan. iDeCo is a system under which you invest a set amount of your own contributions in deposits and investment trusts, and receive a pension or lump-sum payment after the age of 60.
Under iDeCo, the entire amount of contributions is tax-deductible and investment profits are tax-exempt, so it is recommended for people who want to save for retirement while saving for tax purposes.

Two tips for anticipatory savings

There are tips for continuing to save in advance.
Here are two tips for saving ahead.

Tip 1: Set a reasonable savings amount.

It is important to set a reasonable amount of money for anticipatory savings.
If you try to save a large amount of money from the start, it will make life difficult and cause you to stop halfway through.
If you want to save a lot, set a small amount at the beginning and increase the amount after you get used to managing your living expenses.
If you can freely set the date of your direct debit or direct debit, it is recommended to set the date between the day after your payday and three days later to prevent overspending and ensure that you can save.

Tip no. 2: Set a specific target amount and savings period

Setting a clear target amount and savings period is an effective way of saving ahead of time.
Setting specific goals will motivate you to save.
You can also work backwards from the target amount to calculate the monthly savings amount, so that you can set an appropriate amount for your goal.


Summary: The key to success with anticipatory savings is being able to sustain it.


This article has provided an overview of anticipatory savings, recommended savings methods and tips on how to continue.
Pre-emptive saving is an easy way for anyone to save money if they can keep at it.
By creating a good system for saving money in the beginning, you will be able to save money even if you are not conscious of it every day, so decide on a method that suits your lifestyle and a reasonable amount to save and start saving ahead of time.
